Monday, December 8, 2008

Infant Perception

A fun song to learn infant perception

End of an Era!

Our last visit at St. Mary's concluded with a holiday themed extraviganza. It was a lot of fun, and the kids really got into it. The more props and themed activities we plan, the more they get into it. This is especially true with things that they really enjoy, like Christmas! The younger kids especially enjoyed it when we dressed up to play the part. Pretty much what it all really came down to at St. Mary's was when you love what you do, the kids know it. When the teacher really gets into what they are teaching, and expresses how much they love being with the students, and teaching P.E. the kids absolutly respond! When you're passionet about something, it is easy to give it your all.

Second to last visit

Over all i thought that the activities that we did with the students were very age appropriate throughout the course of our labs at St. Marys. The students responded to us very well, and were really reseptive to us teaching them. Some things that i would have done differently was what we did at the end of the semester; which was focus on two students that we were assessing. The teachers would stay with those students and focus on them most, to make sure that they were doing the objectives we were assessing correctly. In an actual classroom setting this would increase one on one time with the students and focus more on the individual and learning at a rate that best suits them. Focusing on this would allow us as teachers to best adapt to our students and allow them the highest chance for success in Physical Education